- 25Guardian ProspectEnter the Library for the first time.
- 50Yerba Mate Legend SaviorSave the Yerba Mate Legend
- 50Flower of Lirolay SaviorSave Lirolay Flower Legend
- 50The Guatavita's Cacique Legend SaviorSave the legend of Guatavita's Cacique
- 50The Coatlicue and Coyolxuahqui Legend SaviorSave the Coatlicue and Coyolxuahqui Legend
- 50Aya Huma Legend SaviorSave the Aya Huma Legend
- 50The Virgin and the Cherufe Legend SaviorSave The Virgin and the Cherufe Legend
- 50Sierras Nevadas de Merida Legend SaviorSave the Merida Snowy Mountains legend
- 50Faster Than LightDefeat the Library Guardian without equipping a shield
- 15Bonfire LitLit the bonfire in the YerbaMate Hunter's camp
- 25Sun BeamGet the Huitzilopochtli's Sword
- 15Well of DoomFall down the Yerba Mate 1B well and die
- 50WorthFullDefeat the Library Guardian without being hit
- 50Exceptional HunterDefeat the Corrupted Yaguarete without being hit
- 50Eagle TerminatorDefeat the four eagles in Sierras Nevadas de Merida without being hit
- 50Perfect SiblingDefeat the Flower of Lirolay Brothers without being hit
- 50Coatlicue Perfect HeroDefeat the Coyolxahuqui in the legend of Coatlicue without being hit
- 50Gilded HeroDefeat the Guatavita's Golden Colossus without being hit
- 50Volcano MasterDefeat the Cherufe without being hit
- 50Move BusterSave or defeat the single Aya Humas inside their legend without being hit
- 50Grand Move BusterSave or defeat the two Aya Humas inside their legend without being hit
- 50Perfect GuardianDefeat the final boss in the game without being hit
- 20HeadshotDefeat the Cherufe without breaking any of its hands
Inc. / Top Hat Studios
Guardian of Lore
23 / 1 000
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