- 50And that's two!Deafeat Burritos, General of the second Island.
- 50And that's three!Deafeat Tortilla, General of the third Island.
- 50And that's four!Deafeat Tacos, General of the fourth Island.
- 100The icing on the cakeDefeat the Demon King and complete the game!
- 75Shell CollectorFind all hidden Shells.
- 75Medals of honorGet all hidden Medals.
- 50Healthy!Unleash yous HPs to it's maximum potential
- 50Combo MasterUnleash your additional Combo Attacks to the max.
- 50Invincible!Complete a Stage without breaking your Combo
- 100Simply the Best!Complete the game at 100%.
- 75Perfect!Get the perfect score of 100 in any Stage.
- 50Unstopable!Reach a combo of 250
- 25Gold CollectorGet a total of 10.000 Golds
- 25Muscular HeroComplete World 1 to 100%
- 25Muscular MercenaryComplete World 2 to 100%
- 25Muscular SaviorComplete World 3 to 100%
- 25Muscular LegendComplete World 4 to 100%
Golden Force
19 / 1 000
2 astuces
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