- 100First RunDefeat EN1GM4
- 20Icar CoreFind the Power Core on Icar
- 20Pax CoreFind the Power Core on Pax
- 20Byron CoreFind the Power Core on Byron
- 20Gaea CoreFind the Power Core on Gaea Prime
- 20Power CrisisReactivate the Main Reactor on Terra
- 60Deep LearningUnlock all Skills in any Skilltree
- 50ChallengerFind the Arena and meet EX4
- 80Good SoulComplete 10 or more Quests in a single Playthrough
- 200MultiverseComplete a NewGame+ after Completing the Game once
- 20MetaverseComplete 3+ VR Areas
- 60Grenade PongFind the Grenade Pong Minigame and score 10+
- 30Human 3.0Reach Clone Level 30
- 20Flux TravellerUnlock 5 Planet Teleporter
- 10Rage QuitDie and Re-Clone 20 times
- 20Beast MasterDefeat 20+ Guardians
- 30Full Metal CloneFind and install Upgrades for every Slot
- 40GinshapediaScan 100 Objects
- 30Pandoras BoxDiscover 3 or more secret areas
- 50SurvivalistFind and Print 8+ Survival Blueprints
- 20Baptism of fireDefeat the Byronaut
- 50InvincibleFind all Cerelabs and Upgrade your Healpod to 5
- 30WandererFind all hidden Cities
Liste des Succès