- 60Keymaster IFound your first red card.
- 80Keymaster IIFound your first purple card.
- 100Keymaster IIIFound your first blue card.
- 60Arming Yourself - PistolCollected the pistol
- 60Arming Yourself - ShotgunCollected the shotgun
- 60Arming Yourself - Machine GunCollected the machine gun
- 80Arming Yourself - Rocket LauncherCollected the rocket launcher
- 90Secret SeekerFind a hidden area in a level.
- 70Explosive MaterialDestroy the first explosive barrel in a level.
- 60First Blood - EggDefeat your first egg.
- 60First Blood - WormDefeat your first worm.
- 60First Blood - DroneDefeat your first drone.
- 60First Blood - Big AlienDefeat your first big alien.
- 100Anomaly DestroyerDefeat your first boss.
Ratalaika Games S.L.
Gastro Force
14 / 1 000
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