- 25Wave WarriorSurvive 5 waves
- 10Box DemolisherBlow up 5 box
- 30Maxed OutReach the maximum level of a weapon status
- 15Chest ConquerorOpen 1 chest
- 50Rebel EradicatorKill 15 bandits
- 60Scorpion SlayerKill 15 scorpions
- 25Wolf HunterKill 15 wolves
- 15Rebel HunterKill 30 rebels
- 15Scorpion StrikerKill 30 scorpions
- 15Wolf StalkerKill 30 wolves
- 60Coin CollectorCollect 200 coins
- 70Wealth AccumulatorCollect 300 coins
- 80Treasure HoarderCollect 400 coins
- 90Fortune SeekerCollect 500 coins
- 100Third Mission MasterComplete the third mission
- 50Second Mission SpecialistComplete the second mission
- 20First Mission ConquerorComplete the first mission
- 90Armor AcquirerBuy an armor
- 80Arsenal ExpertBuy a weapons
- 100Museum CuratorSell a treasure in the museum
- 200Chest OpenerOpen 3 chests
- 200Bandit BaneKill 45 bandits
- 200Scorpion Smasher kill 45 scorpions
- 200Wolf Reaper Kill 45 wolves
- 200Bandit AnnihilatorKill 55 bandits
Afil Games
Galaxy Kingdoms
25 / 2 000
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