- 30How delightful! Collect more.
- 30More delights!Collect some more.
- 30Delicious!Mosttttt!
- 100More lives than a Cat!We die but we live.
- 100Good boy from the Causo!This one likes some Causo!
- 100My Money!Can't even fill the safe.
- 80Mars Attacks! Succès SecretAnd you fight back.
- 150Rare more or less!Any rarities out there?
- 180Platinum Edition!Only for the masters!
- 200Everything has an end!Go even further.
DLCTitle Update
- 200The delights continue!Keep collecting.
- 200Now it's enough, isn't it?I'm stewed
- 200Hey Weird pet!Cute but dangerous.
- 200Oh my God, how many of them!Kill more of them!
- 200Lemon?They're jumping on you.
DLCTitle Update 2
- 100Many tiger bowls!Let's collect 600 bowls
- 100Congratulations!3 Coins!
- 100Jump a lot!Jump 50 times!
- 100Jump much, much more! Jump 100 times!
- 100A dev, a dream! Succès Secret Knowing a little more!
- 100A Party for Gabriel!Look for the Secret Party.
- 100Second Rare Box!Get the second Rare box!
- 100Third Rare Box!Get the third Rare box!
- 100First Normal Box!Let's collect the first normal box!
- 100Second Normal Box!Take the second normal box!
DLCTitle Update 3
- 200Third Normal BoxLet's collect the third normal Box!
- 200Fourth Normal BoxLet's collect fourth normal box!
- 200Fifth Normal BoxLet's collect the fifth and final normal box!
- 200Little DestroyerDestroy the Rare and Platinum Boxes!
- 100Mr.MakerGrab Mr.Maker's protective helmet!
- 100Pagan Min asked him right?Stand still, okay?
My Night Sun Games
Gabriels Worlds The Adventure (Windows 10)
31 / 4 000
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