- 5Boot CampSurvive the tutorial!
- 5Dogs of WarDestroy the space station!
- 5Ivan Getridov Succès SecretKick the Comrade's ass!
- 5Gorbachev Succès SecretHave mercy. Let the Comrade live.
- 5Putin Succès SecretNo peace! Kill the Comrade!
- 5CreeperLoad the crafting menu.
- 35Shot to the HeartDefeat the Worm's heart.
- 35Ho Lee Fuke Succès SecretDefeat Kang's weird faceship.
- 35You Played YourselfDestroy bizarro Gamma Ray.
- 5Fire in the SkySurvive the asteroid belt.
- 35Sweating BulletsDestroy the Battle Dome without taking damage.
- 35Big Balls Succès SecretKill Kang :(
- 35Yuri Gannadye Succès SecretKill the Comrade!
- 5Into the Void Succès SecretI understand and I wish to continue.
- 5Push Over Succès SecretOkay. Fine!
- 5Spineless Succès SecretI am weak.
- 5I am a Real AmericanHatred For None.
- 35Pass the Two Million SunblockInto the sun. Well done.
- 5The Level Above HumanBeat Heaven.
- 5More WeirdsComplete level 666.
- 5These Colors Don't Run Succès SecretDestroy the Cock Sauce Factory
- 5The Biggest LittleComplete 9-1.
- 150Yeah, BRAH!Get a million points on 1-1.
- 1Poo Poo Pee PeePunch a Toilet.
- 150Slick WillieBeat a Level without taking damage.
- 5Hand over FistRip both arms off a mech.
- 5No Respect Succès SecretSkip Credits.
- 150Nice shootin', TexGet an S Rank on level 7-1 or 10-1.
- 150Tipper GoreComplete a level with the middle finger censored.
- 69Goodman!“The game just called me a F$#!stick!”
Liste des Succès