- 50Entered the NanodeckFind a way into the Nanodeck
- 90Found Secret AreaFind Max's secret area
- 90Found Secret RoomFind Zooey's secret room
- 90Played the Piano Succès SecretWhat secrets does the Piano hold?
- 90Set the TimeWhat time should the grandfather clock be set to?
- 90Aligned HovercamsAlign all the hovercams in the house and unlock the report desk
- 50Listened to Audio FragmentsListen to all the audio fragments in the house
- 90Read Between the LinesFind some incriminating phone/laptop messages
- 90Submit your Case ReportSubmit your first case report
- 90Solved the CaseSolve the case
- 90Felt Sadness Succès SecretFind what Max has been holding on to
- 90Honors InvestigatorAre you a thorough investigator?
Liste des Succès