- 5ProgressDefeat the Cultist Camp
- 10FuhgeddabouditClear the Forgotten Cellar
- 10Undead killerDefeat the Lich's Crypt
- 10Mind over matterDefeat the Mind Bender
- 10No sweatClear both Demon Caves
- 40Easy peasyDefeat Vexor on Apprentice
- 75Hero of FahrulDefeat Vexor on Journeyman
- 100Legend of FahrulDefeat Vexor on Master
- 10All that glittersPurge the Glittering Mines
- 15Amazing!Solve the King's Maze
- 10The Mummy's CursePurge the Buried Temple
- 10Pearl diverClear 5 Sea Caves in 1 game
- 10Drain the swampClear the Flooded Crypt
- 10Prison breakEscape the Mage Dungeon
- 10It's getting hot in hereSurvive the Lava Dungeon
- 20Order from ChaosDefeat the Chaos Beast
- 5Such a pity...First party wipe
- 5Field medicRevive a party member
- 5Critical failBreak a weapon
- 10Side businessComplete 50 Side Quests
- 10ScroogeHave 1500 Gold
- 15MiserHave 5000 Gold
- 10End of the rainbowDefeat Lucky
- 10Paying the tollDefeat the Bandit King
- 10Not so funny anymoreDefeat the Royal Droll
- 10Instant karmaDefeat the Hangman
- 10Protector of the GodsDefeat the Foul Priestess
- 10He's on fire!Defeat Coal Heart
- 10Your time is upDefeat the Old One
- 10Honor the deadHonor 15 Stone Heros
- 15Lest we forgetHonor 50 Stone Heros
- 25Sushi chefKill the Kraken
- 5Not this timeKill a thief attempting to flee
- 20So many bonesSmash 150 Skellys
- 20Rock n' rollTopple 15 Crag Monsters
- 10Would you like a receipt with that?Unlock 20 items from the Lore Store
- 20All sales are finalUnlock 40 items from the Lore Store
- 15What a view!Reach the top of Harazuel
- 40Dragon SlayerSlay the dragon at the top of Frostbite Peak
- 10Till death do us partDefeat the Yeti, free her "prisoner"
- 10Ice and FireUnlock the armory
- 5Sally forth!Break a sieged town
- 10Thumpity thump thumpKill 5 Snowmen
- 5The morning afterHelp Hildebrant retrace his steps
- 10Rock and a hard placeDefeat Deimos
- 10Clear skies aheadDefeat Disciple
- 20Put that in your pipeUse 100 herbs
- 10Sweet toothUse 10 candies
- 10That's DeepReach the bottom of Hildebrant's Cellar
- 20Double DeepReach the Inferno
- 25Wet 'N WildPurge all 4 Water Temples
- 40Land Ho!Defeat the Sea King
- 10BoomshakalakaKill 10 enemies with Firearms
- 10Swan SongDefeat the Songstress
- 10Lost and FoundFind Captain Greenbeard's Ship
- 15Gold DiggerWin a game of Gold Rush
- 5Penny saverHave 300 Gold
- 10Chosen oneKill 1000 Enemies
- 5Do you ever feel bad?Murder 30 Hags
- 5Tri-TriclopsDefeat 3 Triclops
- 5Up up and awayFly in the Air Balloon
- 5SpelunkerClear a Cave
- 5Payment pleaseComplete 1 Side Quest
- 5Pay tributeHonor 3 Stone Heros
- 15Pick on someone your own sizeCrush 25 Imps
- 5Secret shopperUnlock 1 item from the Lore Store
- 10BeastmasterDefeat 100 Beastmen
- 15I hate mimicsDefeat 10 Mimics
- 5Just The TipEnter Hildebrant's Cellar
- 5X Marks the SpotFind Bradach's Cabin
- 10Something's FishyKill 30 Fishfolk
- 5Boom goes the dynamite.Get killed by a suicidal enemy
Liste des Succès