- 5First VictoryYou guided your team to victory in a competitive fixture
- 15Parked the BusYour team didn't concede a goal in 5 consecutive games
- 20Record SigningYou broke your club's record transfer fee spent on a player
- 20Star Player One your players was selected in Team of the Year
- 10#DoneDealYou signed a player for your team
- 30Goal RushYour team scored in 10 consecutive competitive matches
- 15HeadhuntedYou have been offered a job by another team
- 50The Special OneYou won the Manager of the Year award
- 5Bring It OnYou have completed the induction
- 20Finding Your FeetYou have successfully completed your first full season with one club
- 10Get It To The Corner FlagYou have successfully utilised time-wasting to see out a match
- 60GOATYou have unlocked all achievements
- 10Motivational SpeakerYour team-talk had a positive effect on the team
- 20One Of Our OwnYou gave a player their first team debut after signing them to your youth academy
- 10People PleaserYou have a happy squad
- 5Pep TalkYour personal shout to a new signing had a positive effect
- 5Plan BYou have created a second tactic
- 10Release The HandbrakeYou scored a goal after changing to a more attacking mentality
- 10Shut Up ShopYou didn't concede a goal after changing to a more defensive mentality
- 50The Challenge MasterComplete a challenge
- 10Twisted Their ArmYou have successfully requested from the board
- 10We Meet AgainYou won a match against a player you previously sold
- 10Wheeler DealerYou have successfully negotiated a higher fee for a player
- 20You're Up!Guide your team to promotion in a domestic league
Liste des Succès