- 100Fast LearnerEnd the tutorial
- 100#fatphobicStop Kalendra
- 100Year ZeroBeat the Game
- 100GOD...is that you?Collect all the medals
- 100Debutantwin your first game in less than 1:50 min.
- 100Bunny Slayerwin three games in less than 1:50 min.
- 100Last Man Standingwin the game using only one soldier.
- 100The mystery of the rabbit invasion learn the reason why rabbits are so plentiful.
- 100Great SolidersComplete 5 soldiers to fight rabbits at the maximum level
- 100Masterful rabbit slayerWin the game by not allowing the number of rabbits to reach a critical state
© RedDeerGames
Fluffy Horde
10 / 1 000
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