- 90Fear My SharpnessBeat a circle enemy.
- 90Flat SmashBeat a triangle enemy.
- 90Don’t be a squareBeat a square enemy.
- 90Shaping upUse your three forms to fight.
- 80Rookie HeroFinish your first side quest.
- 80Too Bad!Get 1 Game Over.
- 80A Long Way To GoActivate the first Checkpoint Guard.
- 80Salad To GoDefeat Plantosaurus.
- 80ShapeshifterChange your shape 10 times.
- 80Eight Legged FreaksDefeat Arachne.
- 80Complicated FoesDefeat an enemy with two or more shapes.
- 80Learning The RopesGet your first special ability.
Ratalaika Games S.L.
Flat Kingdom Paper’s Cut Edition
12 / 1 000
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