- 100Master of ghostsComplete all ghost upgrades challenges
- 90SpiritComplete the spirit upgrade
- 90HealthComplete the health upgrade
- 90FamiliarsFind all familiars
- 90WeaponsGet all weapons in the game
- 90RelicsGet all relics in the game
- 30WatchmakerComplete the Watchmaker sidequest
- 30FalconerComplete the Falconer sidequest
- 30MonkComplete the Monk sidequest
- 30LamplighterComplete the Lamplighter sidequest
- 30WardenComplete the Warden sidequest
- 30MinerComplete the Miner sidequest
- 30RailroaderComplete the Railroader sidequest
- 30HarpoonistComplete the Harpoonist sidequest
- 30PrisonerComplete the Prisoner sidequest
- 15Boss 05Defeat the fifth boss
- 15Boss 04Defeat the forth boss
- 15Boss 03Defeat the third boss
- 15Boss 02Defeat the second boss
- 15Boss 01Defeat the first boss
- 15NavymanGet your first ghost
- 15Glide GhostComplete the Glide sideques
- 15Double Jump GhostComplete the Double Jump sidequest
- 15Hook GhostComplete the Hook sidequest
- 15Mirror GhostComplete the Mirror sidequest
- 15Teleport GhostComplete the Teleport sidequest
- 15Bounce Kick GhostComplete the Buster Bailey sidequest
Liste des Succès