- 90CompletionistAccomplish all of the achievements in the game.
- 70King of ChaosClear any scenario on the "Chaos" difficulty.
- 70Many Ways To LiveComplete all lifestyles.
- 80Decorated VeteranAchieve all titles.
- 35Weapons LockerObtain at least 100 weapons.
- 35Battle ReadyObtain at least 30 items.
- 35Beyond InvincibleUse any custom character to defeat all of the famous officers.
- 35Intellectual VictoryDefeat more than 10,000 enemies using just Stratagems.
- 35Master of StrategyExecute all Strategy Commands at least once.
- 35The Sound of Tiny FeetHave a total of at least 5 children.
- 35Ultimate NationMake all famous officers into your subordinate officers.
- 35Many Crossroads Succès SecretView all of the events that can be watched in the Gallery.
- 20The Next GenerationHave a child for the first time.
- 10A New HeroView any of the endings using a custom character.
- 10Blossoming LoveProfess your love for someone or have someone confess their love for you for the first time.
- 10Oath Beneath Peach TreesSwear a sworn sibling oath for the first time.
- 10Till Death Do Us PartGet married for the first time.
- 10SuccessorSucceed your superior's position for the first time.
- 10Prove Your QualityBecame a Ruler for the first time.
- 10Jumping AheadGet recruited as a Marshal or Strategist from being a Free Officer.
- 10RebelRise in rebellion and become Ruler.
- 10Beginnings of AmbitionRaise the banner of your own Kingdom for the first time.
- 10Nepotism RulesCreate a Kingdom comprised entirely of your sworn siblings, spouses and children.
- 10Aim For The BackPerform a betrayal for the first time.
- 10ArchitectBuild a facility for the first time.
- 10Strategy StopperStop a Large Scale Stratagem being prepared by the enemy.
- 20Well Seasoned Succès SecretFight and win a stage in spring, summer, fall and winter.
- 10Doesn't Play Well With OthersHave a subordinate officer abandon you for the first time.
- 10Goal Orientated LeaderComplete four Battle Objectives in a single battle.
- 10Crushing VictoryWin a battle with more than 90% of your total forces remaining.
- 10First MissionComplete your first mission.
- 10Brave and BoldFight your way into enemy territory alone and defeat an officer.
- 20Weather MasterUse a Stratagem to change the weather.
- 20Collected Works Succès SecretIn Edit Mode, create at least one officer, banner, warhorse and soldier.
- 10Unrivaled StrategistUse at least 100 Stratagems.
- 10Appointed StrategistBe appointed as a Strategist for the first time.
- 10Appointed MarshalBe appointed as a Marshal for the first time.
- 20Winds of Victory Succès SecretTake part in "Battle of Chibi - Allied Forces" & have Zhuge Liang's "Southeast Wind" strategy work.
- 10Start of a Long RoadComplete a Strategy Objective for the first time.
- 10Sizable KingdomObtain 20 officers in your own Kingdom.
- 10Battlefield ControllerCapture 10 or more bases during a single battle.
- 10Paragon of GoodObtain virtue of "Saint."
- 10Husk of EvilObtain virtue of "Pure Evil."
- 10Building TrustComplete a Quest and deepen your friendship with your Ruler.
- 10Age of BeautyHave at least three officers declare their love for you in a single lifetime.
- 10Construction EnthusiastBuild at least six of the same facility.
- 10A Special GiftReceive a weapon or item as a gift for the first time.
- 10The Elite FewWin a battle with significantly less allied forces than enemy ones.
Dynasty Warriors 8 : Empires
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