- 30Devil's HelpFinish the Tutorial
- 100Clear the UndergroundFinish the first biome
- 100Clear the CemeteryFinish the second biome
- 100Clear the Hell entirelyFinish the last biome
- 50Money! Money! Money!Buy every item available in a shop
- 1010 Runs Dead or AliveFinish a total of 10 runs
- 2020 Runs Dead or AliveFinish a total of 20 runs
- 5050 Runs Dead or AliveFinish a total of 50 runs
- 100100 Runs Dead or AliveFinish a total of 100 runs
- 50It can die?Kill a dummy
- 20I Plead the 2ndCollect your first gun
- 20Show me the Money!Collect your first Money Potion
- 50Gotta go fast!Purchase a Permanent Speed Upgrade
- 50The best defense is offensePurchase a Permanent Damage Upgrade
- 50Quick Draw!Purchase a Permanent Attack Speed Upgrade
- 50Battle TankPurchase a Permanent Defense Upgrade
- 25I call...Purchase the Shotgun
- 50It Hurts!Purchase a Permanent Critical Hit Upgrade
- 50Stay Away from Me!Purchase a Permanent Knockback Upgrade
- 25Up Close and PersonalPurchase the Yellow Sword
QUByte Interactive with Game Nacional
Doomed To Hell
20 / 1 000
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