- 10First time?Die for the first time
- 25A new legend emergesComplete the first level
- 30Five times better No Reach level 5
- 50The survivorReach level 30
- 50Let's Go to the Mall Arrive at the store for the first time
- 50Mouse HunterKill one rat
- 25It's a JokerKill one bat
- 100What a weird dogKill a frog
- 50No damageComplete a level without taking damage
- 50Facing it head onDefeat the Face to face
- 100No thanksPass your turn
- 100CleptomaniacCollect 50 coins
- 75He didn't even see what he hitKill any enemy with one hit
- 15Two for one promotion Kill two enemies with a single attack
- 25A new toyBuy a new weapon
- 50Perfect DicesTake the same number on both dice at the same time
- 25Apprentice Assassin Complete the tutorial
- 25Duel MasterUse one card
- 25Friendly fire will be toleratedMake an enemy kill another
- 100Weapons MasterKill any enemy with another weapon
- 10Bring me more damageImprove your attack dice
- 10Bring me more range Improve your range dice
DLCTitle Update
- 200Grand MasterReach level 40
- 200Master of mastersReach level 50
- 200AccumulatorCollect 100 coins
- 200Rat ExterminatorDefeat 10 rats in the same match
- 200Bat ExterminatorDefeat 10 bats in the same match
Afil Games
Dice Assassin (Windows)
27 / 2 000
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