- 25Gore SlayerSlay 300 Gores
- 25Bloodbat ButcherSlay 100 Bloodbats
- 25Matryoshka MasherSlay 100 Matryoshka
- 25Eyeball ExpungerSlay 100 Eyeballs
- 15Pachi MasterEarn over 100 Pachi Jackpots
- 15Iron MaidenPush down 300 spikes
- 50Number of the BeastEarn 666 Mx
- 25Reversed High PriestessTransform Lilith to her final form
- 25Candlelight VigilLight All Votive Lights.
- 25Apprentice BlacksmithEarn 25 Mx on a single ball. (from hammer only)
- 50Master BlacksmithEarn 50 Mx on a single ball. (from hammer only)
- 75Legendary BlacksmithEarn 75 Mx on a single ball. (from hammer only)
- 15The Eighth HouseUnlock Scorpio Multiball for the first time.
- 15Ever Burning SulfurDrain 100 times.
- 75Victory LapsSlay the final Miniboss to activate Victory Laps
- 25If You Ain’t Tilting you Ain’t TryingTilt-out on last ball.
- 25Master of HermitsSlay 25 Hermits
- 25Army of DarknessSlay 100 skeleton soldiers lifetime.
- 25I Am ProvidenceSlay 25 Shub Calimari lifetime.
- 100Billionaire's ClubBreak a billion points in one game.
- 25A Dark Ritual, HERMITSpell HERMIT
- 25A Dark Ritual, ARCANESpell ARCANE
- 25A Dark Ritual, ZODIACSpell ZODIAC
- 10Ritual MagiComplete 50 rituals
- 20Ritual SeerComplete 100 rituals
- 35Ritual WarlockComplete 200 rituals
- 100WIZARD MODESpell all Ritual Words
- 50You Say Homonculus, I Say HomonculiSlay 50 Insane Homonculi
29 / 1 000
1 astuce
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