- 50Acquaintance with a shaman Succès SecretComplete the shaman's first assignment
- 50Water talismanGet a Water talisman
- 50Family heirloomGet a Colomet
- 50Moray Eel Succès SecretDefeat the Moray Eel
- 50AcrobatGet a Double Jump
- 50FreezeGet the Freeze ability
- 50Blessing of the seasGet the Invulnerability ability
- 50KatanaGet a Katana
- 50Rocket launcherGet a Rocket launcher
- 50Berserk and BirdthrowerGet a Berserk and Birdthrower
- 100BallthrowerGet a Ballthrower
- 100Father's rescue Succès SecretRun Mary's errand
- 100CompassGet a Compass
- 100Soul Succès SecretFind the soul of the Planet
- 100Mission completion Succès SecretDefeat the shaman
Omni Games
Death, Soul & Robots
15 / 1 000
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