- 20Surprise, I need a key-cardGet a key-card
- 30Rays of healingGet a medkit
- 30Pro hackerPerform a hack
- 50You've got mailRead the note #1
- 40Master of pipeGet a pipe
- 40Explosive purchaseGet a grenade
- 70Secret roomFind the secret location #1
- 30Geary gearGet a first gear
- 30Cylinder destructionDestroy a cylinder
- 30ShotgunGet a shotgun
- 30MineGet a mine
- 50Early mailRead the note #2
- 50Last letterRead the note #3
- 30Inevitable appearance of cartingRide a cart
- 50Not gonna get usEscape from the big meanie
- 70No more secrets, no more liesFind the secret location #2
- 80Massive and witlessDefeat the big meanie
- 30Who touched my turret?!Use the turret
- 100Waste of spaceEscape
- 70Only secrets hereFind the secret location #3
- 30My first scoreGet a skill point
- 40Gears of improvementSpend a gear to get upgrade on workbench
ChiliDog Interactive
Dead Station
22 / 1 000
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