- 40Eat ThisUse a bomb
- 40Power UpCollect a power up item
- 40Be PreparedCollect a bomb item
- 40Combo ICollect a 100-point medal
- 50Combo IICollect a 1000-point medal
- 100Combo IIICollect a 10,000-point medal
- 50Red ShipPlay One Player Mode with the red ship
- 50Blue ShipPlay One Player Mode with the blue ship
- 50Boss RushPlay Boss Rush Mode
- 50Time AttackPlay Time Attack Mode
- 100First BossDefeat the first boss
- 40High Scorer IScore at least 50,000 points in One Player Mode
- 50High Scorer IIScore at least 100,000 points in One Player Mode
- 100High Scorer IIIScore at least 200,000 points in One Player Mode
- 100Time Attack ScorerScore at least 100,000 points in Time Attack Mode
- 100Boss Rush ScorerScore at least 75,000 points in Boss Rush Mode
Eastasiasoft Limited
Crisis Wing
16 / 1 000
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