- 20Cash advanceEarn 10000 coins
- 35SalaryEarn 50000 coins
- 50PaydayEarn 100000 coins
- 50Cheeky ChickMeet the chick
- 50Mother of DragonsMeet the dragon
- 50It came from LemuriaMeet the lemur
- 10Small tourComplete first dungeon
- 50No light allowedComplete 10 dungeons
- 80Dungeons with dragonsComplete 30 dungons
- 15Rome wasn't built in a dayBuild first house
- 50Cozy villageBuild 5 houses
- 70Looks like a city!Build 10 houses
- 30I've just begunDestroy 50 stone blocks
- 50Mr. BomberDestroy 72 stone blocks
- 72Destroyer of allDestroy 125 stone blocks
- 28Bank of essenceExchange the essence for 15000 coins
- 10Girl's best chest-boxOpen first chest
- 30Treasure loverOpen 20 chests
- 50Chest obsessionOpen 40 chests
- 100Eyes get used to thisSpend two hours in the dungeon
- 50Magnifique!Spend over 10 minutes watching the settlement
- 50Dangerous liaisonsSummon the dragon 10 times
ChiliDog Interactive
Caves and Castles: Underworld
22 / 1 000
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