- 100BACK IN TOWNFinish the episode III
- 100LAST STOP !Finish the episode IV
- 100THE MERCENARYFinish the episode V
- 100ANY LAST WORDS ?Finish the episode VI
- 100THAT JUSTICE BE DONEFinish the story mode
- 100A NEW CHAMPIONSurvive to the Brutal Club
- 50THANK YOU DEAR PLAYER Succès SecretYou watched credits without being forced
- 502URVIVE Succès SecretRéveillez les morts
- 50NICE WHEELING ! Succès SecretDestroy a car during a wheeling
DLCTitle update
- 200PRISONERYou've beaten the prisoners chief
- 200THE BIKERYou've beaten Rick the biker
- 200MERCENARYYou've beaten the Mercenary
- 200THE MAYORYou've beaten the Mayor
- 200TOMMYYou've unlocked Tommy
DLCTitle Update 2
- 200COMBO x10Achieve a x10 combo
- 200COMBO x20Achieve a x20 combo
- 200CHEESEBURGEREat a delicious cheeseburger
- 200FLASH KICKAchieve a flash kick with Kurt (Kick,Punch,Kick) or (A,X,A buttons)
- 200HEADBUTTAchieve a headbutt with Mac (Punch,KIck,Punck) or (X,A,X buttons)
22 / 3 000
3 astuces
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