- 40High Street ChainComplete every challenge in the intermediate scenario
- 40Big PharmacistComplete every challenge in the Advanced scenario
- 40On Your MarksComplete every challenge in the Quick Start scenario
- 40Debt BusterComplete every challenge in the Crippling Debt scenario
- 40An Expansive AchievementComplete every challenge in the Room to Maneuver scenario
- 40Spoilt for ChoiceComplete every challenge in the Full Unlock scenario
- 40Over AnalysisSuccessfully analyse at least 20 different effects within a single game
- 40Collided!Use a Hadron Collider
- 40Diversified PortfolioSimultaneously sell one Pill, Cream, Syringe and Sachet
- 50PatentedSimultaneously own 5 active patents
- 50Land OwnerPurchase every available plot on a 3x3 or larger map
- 50May Contain Side-EffectsSell a product which contains four different active catalysts
- 50The Big ThreeSell a product which cures Alzheimer's Disease, Cures HIV and is a Cancer Vaccine
- 40The Anxiety ContradictionSell a product which Reduces Anxiety and Enocurages Anxiety
- 40The Blood Pressure ContradictionSell a product which Relieves Hypertension and Increases Blood Pressure
- 40The Breathing ContradictionSell a product which Eases Asthma and Causes Breathing Difficulties
- 40The Headache ContradictionSell a product which Eases Migraine and Causes Headaches
- 40The Cancer ContradictionSell a product which Combats Cancer and is a Carcinogenic
- 40ExpertComplete 20 challenges with an Expert rating
- 40MasterComplete 20 challenges with a Master rating
- 40Rolling the DiceInclude at least one random starting and disabled research in a custom game
Big Pharma
24 / 1 000
3 astuces
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