- 15Blood DonationGive Anna your blood.
- 15BraveryOrder the daily special.
- 15BookwormRead a bunch of books.
- 15DaredevilDrink a mysterious liquid.
- 15OvicideWaste a perfectly good batch of eggs.
- 15FruitarianLearn a lot about fruits.
- 15NuisanceRefuse to help Bryce 20 times.
- 15Investigator 1Do well on the first investigation.
- 15LibrarianBring Remy's books into the correct order.
- 15PatientWait for Remy until you get bored.
- 15General KnowledgistAnswer Anna's questions correctly.
- 15TeetotalerReject Bryce's invitation.
- 15DisrobementGet Adine to remove her headgear.
- 15You are a winner!Beat Sebastian at his own game.
- 15Interrogator 1Interrogate Damion.
- 15Finders, KeepersOpen the hatch in Tatsu Park.
- 15ArcheologistFind a handful of dirt.
- 15LandscaperAppreciate the landscape.
- 15Orb FinderFind a mysterious orb
- 15Window ShopperLook at everything the store has to offer.
- 15Investigator 2Do well on the second investigation.
- 15MemoriesLook at Remy's pictures.
- 15SnoopLook at Anna's envelope.
- 15Leg StretcherStretch your legs.
- 15Eau de DragonExamine Bryce's blanket.
- 15Research MaterialLook at Bryce's magazine.
- 15AudiophileListen to a bunch of music.
- 15The PoliticianPaint Emera's nails.
- 15CartographerAcquire a map.
- 15Base FinderFind a mysterious base.
- 15PranksterPlay a prank on Bryce.
- 15AltruistHelp Katsuharu
- 15Interrogator 2Interrogate Anna.
- 15StalkerFollow Vara.
- 15RecklessGo to the portal.
- 15Investigator 3Do well on the third investigation.
- 15Flawless RunDo well in all investigations in a single playthrough.
- 15SouvenirKeep the seashells.
- 15The ArtisanSell some ice cream with Katsuharu.
- 15In Loco ParentisReturn the eggs to the hatchery.
- 15Sphere BuilderAssemble the sphere.
- 15The StudentGet a psycology lesson from Kevin.
- 15LazyDecide not to meet anyone or investigate 10 times.
- 15Fast ForwardJump ahead in time 10 times.
- 15PopularHave two messages waiting for you at the same time.
- 15Utterly PointlessPlay chapter 3 after you have seen at least 5 endings.
- 15UnmaskingSee what lies beneath the mask.
- 15It BeginsSee your first ending.
- 15DetonationSee the neutral ending.
- 15AloneSee Remy's bad ending.
- 15Casualties of WarSee Remy's good ending.
- 15SacrificeSee Anna's bad ending.
- 15Tragic HeroSee Anna's good ending.
- 15RememberSee Lorem's bad ending.
- 15The PlanSee Lorem's good ending.
- 15CatastrophySee Bryce's bad ending.
- 15MurdererSee Bryce's good ending.
- 15GetawaySee Adine's bad ending.
- 15DecisionsSee Adine's good ending.
- 15BetrayalSee the evil ending.
- 15OptimistSee your first good ending.
- 85HopeSee the true ending.
Ratalaika Games S.L.
Angels with Scaly Wings
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