- 50Shadow catcherUse the bellows to capture the Shadow.
- 50Sorcerer's apprenticeFind the spell book.
- 50TravelerLaunch the boat.
- 50WizardGrow a magic beanstalk.
- 50TrackerFind Zoe's hideout.
- 50HealerCleanse the stream of ink.
- 50PhonographerWake up Ron.
- 50CreatorDraw the lost key.
- 50StargazerRestore the celestial balance.
- 75Chess playerPlay a game of chess.
- 75LamplighterMake a sunbeam.
- 75ClocksmithFix the time flow.
- 75TrailblazerClear the path to the Tree of Life.
- 125AlchemistAcquire the Air element.
- 125AvatarGain control over all the elements.
Inc. / Top Hat Studios
A Tale For Anna
15 / 1 000
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