- 90BLADESTORMObtain all achievements.
- 80WITNESS TO HISTORYUnlock all viewable movies in the Gallery.
- 70MERCENARY GENERALClear the 100 Years War scenario.
- 70100 YEARS WARComplete Diary in the 100 Years War scenario.
- 70WITH THE FALLEN Succès SecretClear Chapter 9 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 40RUMORSComplete all Diary Rumors in the Hundred Years' War scenario.
- 40DARKNESS SLAYERUnlock all usable characters in the Nightmare scenario.
- 40LEADER OF MENUnlock all usable characters in the Hundred Years' War scenario.
- 20MOP-UP COMPLETECapture all bases other than entry points in the Hundred Years' War scenario.
- 10CAPTURE KINGCapture 8 bases in 1 day in the Hundred Years' War scenario.
- 10BELOVED LEADERUnlock 15 useable characters in the Hundred Years' War scenario.
- 20HISTORIANCompletely fill the Diary's Story section in the Hundred Years' War scenario.
- 20ARMOR COLLECTORObtain all equipment for males.
- 20COSTUME COLLECTORObtain all equipment for females.
- 10MASTER OF ONERaise 1 Book level to 99.
- 20UNDER MY CONTROLObtain all Books.
- 10FRIEND AND ALLYCreate an army.
- 10STORM OF BLADESAchieve a Bladestorm.
- 10GRAND COMMANDPerform a concerted army attack.
- 10DESTROYER OF WALLSCapture an enemy base.
- 10MERCENARY 1ST STEPCreate an original mercenary.
- 10PROOF OF ACHIEVEMENTAchieve an S rank in battle.
- 10BOOK OF DREAMSObtain a Book allowing you to control monsters.
- 20BANNER LORDUse banners 500 times.
- 20GREAT EMPLOYERSummon a hired squad 500 times.
- 20LIKE THE WINDCapture 2 bases within 15 seconds.
- 10RAVAGE AND DESTROYInitiate an attack with an army of over 200 soldiers.
- 10ARMY COMPLETEBecome able to attack with 4 squad leaders.
- 10WINGED FIEND'S BANESuccessfully shoot down a flying monster.
- 10NOT A SCRATCHDefeat 100 enemy without being attacked successfully.
- 10Meeting at Gascony Succès SecretClear chapter 1 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 10Alliance at Aquitaine Succès SecretClear chapter 2 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 10Previously in Brittany Succès SecretClear chapter 3 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 10Turmoil in Auvergne Succès SecretClear chapter 4 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 10Showdown, Ile-de-France Succès SecretClear chapter 5 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 10Battle of Normandy Succès SecretClear chapter 6 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 10Gamble in Flanders Succès SecretClear chapter 7 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 10Upheaval in Champagne Succès SecretClear chapter 8 in the Nightmare scenario.
- 10DEMON FIGHTERDefeat 5000 total enemies while leading a squad of monsters.
- 10NIGHTMARE SWORDDefeat 5000 total enemies while leading a squad of monsters.
- 10MASTER OF FIELDSObtain S rank in all battles.
- 20RELENTLESSAchieve 1000 combos.
- 10SUCCESSFUL MERCENARYCreate 10 original officers.
- 20RICH AND POWERFULReceive a total of over 500,000D.
- 20100 YEARS HEROObtain an S rank in all Story battles in the 100 Years' War scenario.
- 20NIGHTMARE HEROObtain an S rank in all battles in the Nightmare scenario.
Liste des Succès