- 5Noob WizardGet the first bracelet.
The main character of Stories of Bethem: Full Moon. He wants to save his father.
- 15Apprentice of wizardGet the second bracelet.
- 20WizardGet the third bracelet.
- 30Good wizardGet the fourth bracelet.
The Green Witch
Ivy tries to keep her skin young using Unknown Medallions to cast a rejuvenation spell.
- 50Professional wizardGet the fifth bracelet.
- 75Master of wizardsGet the sixth bracelet.
- 100Hero Wizard Succès SecretGet the last bracelet.
- 20Oneiric PowerGet the eight Oneiric Objects to save your father.
The Red Witch
Rose loves gems and handsome boys. Sadly, Khoma needs her help to save his father.
- 25Orbs and more orbsLearn all the spells.
- 30Suited KhomaGet all the costumes for Khoma.
- 15Aura MasterReveal 24 monster auras.
- 25Historian of BethemFind all the Bethem History Book chapters.
- 30Truffle SeekerFind all the truffles.
- 15The Red PearlsFind all the Red Pearls.
- 30Candy StoreFind all the Happy Candies.
- 25Khoma, the traderComplete the trade quest.
- 25Portal TravelerEnable all the Bethem Portals.
- 30Culture for all!Complete the Great Museum.
- 10Soul RescuerRescue all the Lost Souls.
- 10Derry StatueUnlock the Derry statue at the museum.
- 5Human StatueUnlock the Human statue at the museum.
- 15God of FireFind the Shrine of Enfy.
- 10God of Wind Succès SecretMeet Daymir.
- 15Goddess of EarthFind the Shrine of Ungra.
- 15Goddess of WaterFind the Shrine of Cejuy.
- 20The Eternal War Hero Succès SecretMeet the Eternal War Hero.
- 20Bethem Guardian StatueUnlock the Bethem Guardian statue at the museum.
Bethem Guardian
This creature is able to turn on the Bethem Portals to travel faster.
- 20Truffler Statue Succès SecretMeet Truffly.
- 50Dad, I'm famous!Join the Bethem VIP Club.
The Yellow Witch
Crisantemo loves making potions. She has a commercial agreement with the Trading Brothers.
- 25The RescuerDefeat the Blue Witch.
The Blue Witch
Bluebell protects the Crypt of Hatred in Indigo Forest.
- 35The fate of Khoma Succès SecretComplete the game.
Main art
The main art for Stories of Bethem: Full Moon with some main characters and monsters.
- 50Master of the MoonComplete the Glory Mode.
Original game art
The first game art for Stories of Bethem: Full Moon. It was improved later.
- 25Full MoonComplete the Glory Mode fully.
- 10Aura HunterReveal 5 monster auras.
- 10Aura ResearcherReveal 15 monster auras.
- 30The Aura King Succès SecretReveal all the monster auras.
- 15I don't like flowers Succès SecretDiscover the Poison Flower and reveal its aura.
- 15Cutie and sweet! Succès SecretDiscover the Sweetbomb and reveal its aura.
- 15Hello? Succès SecretDiscover the BoobyBoo and reveal its aura.
- 15The constipated rock Succès SecretDiscover the Rocky and reveal its aura.
GuGames Development
Stories of Bethem: Full Moon
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