- 20Scott-Skinner BoxUnlock your first wearable.
- 20Your Own Worst EnemyBeat your own high score in arcade mode.
- 40Friction BurnScore 10 points in 1 graze.
- 20Run, Fruit, Run!Collect an evasive fruit.
- 20He's A Big OneCollect a giant fruit.
- 20BruiserDestroy 100 enemies in total over all game modes.
- 40Wax OnDo a whole lap of the outer edge of Arcade mode without stopping.
- 20The Name Of The GameDie 20 times.
- 20ISG TowersWatch the credits.
- 20Eggplant WizardCollect 10 Aubergines.
- 30Scorched BotDash through a laser before it turns lethal.
- 40Remix ApprenticeClear the first five levels of remix mode.
- 40Sticky FeetDon't move in Arcade Mode for 10 seconds.
- 60The Hot SeatGet to the end of Lime Attack having only died once.
- 60Remix DiscipleGet 25 gold medals in Remix Mode.
- 60Pop Pop Pop!Get a X25 chain or higher.
- 40Cherry On The CakeCollect 100 cherries.
- 30Deep PocketsCollect 1000 coins.
- 40Remix ExplorerBronze or above in all remixes.
- 40Radiation BurnScore 20 points in one graze.
- 40Seek And DestroyDestroy 250 enemies in total over all game modes.
- 60All Dressed UpUnlock every wearable.
- 60Remix MasterGet at least gold in every remix.
- 40License To ChillSurvive 5 minutes in Chill Out mode.
- 40MoneybagsCollect 10,000 coins.
- 40Total CarnageDestroy 1000 enemies in total over all game modes.
- 40Die Mr RobotDie 100 times.
Title Update
- 40Hat ManiacUnlock all hats
- 40Glasses CrazyUnlock all glasses
- 40Body PositiveUnlock all body skins
- 40Nuts For ShoesUnlock all shoe skins
- 40Silver LinedGet silver or above in all remixes
- 40Lime and PunishmentCollect 200 limes
- 60One DownGet 1 platinum trophy
- 40Banana SplitCollect 50 bananas
- 40Bruiser 2Destroy 200 enemies in total over all game modes
- 40The Name Of The Game 2Die 40 times
- 40Eggplant MageCollect 20 Aubergines
- 60Bruiser 3Destroy 300 enemies in total over all game modes
- 60The Name Of The Game 3Die 60 times
- 60Deeper PocketsCollect 2000 coins
- 60Seek And Destroy 2Destroy 400 enemies in total over all game modes
- 60Money VaultCollect 15,000 coins
- 60Carnage AbsoluteDestroy 1,500 enemies in total over all game modes
- 60Dead Mr RobotDie 150 times
- 60Cherry On The Cake 2Collect 150 cherries
- 60Eggplant Arch MageCollect 30 Aubergines
Liste des Succès1 DLC