- 20Escape ArtistFinish the game with the “Artist” personality assessment result.
- 20One Can Conquer AloneFinish the game with the “Warrior” personality assessment result.
- 20Self-Fulfilling ProphecyFinish the game with the “Prophet” personality assessment result.
- 20From the ShadowsFinish the game with the “Murderer” personality assessment result.
- 100Enemy of PolyphemusFinish the game without a clearly defined personality assessment result.
- 10Line Going For a WalkDraw the Neighbor in your cell.
- 10Fisher of ManUnlock all entries in The Fishing Lodge blog.
- 50BlindsightBeat your Friend at tic-tac-toe before leaving the cell.
- 10A Bloody RatKill the Rat.
- 10Red ThumbDestroy the Tree.
- 10Fake FriendOffend the Friend.
- 100Flagellum Dei Succès SecretKill the Rat, offend the Friend and destroy the Tree during a single playthrough.
- 10Friendship is MagicPersuade your Friend to let you out of the cell.
- 10Judgement DayLeave the cell after the Judge gives you a verdict.
- 10Rat RaceLeave the cell with the help of the Rat
- 10May Your Roots GrowLeave the cell by growing a Tree inside it.
- 50Death Is an Option Succès SecretYour character is dead.
- 50Fast and FuriousFinish the racing game on Hard Mode.
- 20Welcome to the JungleLeave the concrete jungle of the City.
- 20Take This Child of MineFind your way out of the Labyrinth.
- 100Speaker For The DeadFinish the Giant’s game.
- 10The Street Kid Succès SecretPlay as 2A.
- 10The Ghoul Soldier Succès SecretPlay as Desmod.
- 10The Poor Teacher Succès SecretPlay as Ellaine.
- 10The Good Man Succès SecretPlay as Valeri.
- 50The CellFinish chapter 1.
- 50The RoomFinish chapter 2.
- 50The WallFinish chapter 3.
- 50The EndFinish chapter 4.
- 100Tautorum Sanguine Centum Succès SecretYou reached the end of the game. Thanks for playing.
Liste des Succès