- 20THE DATA ARCHEOLOGIST Succès SecretRecruit Juni to your crew.
- 20THE FREELANCER Succès SecretRecruit Yu-Jin to your crew.
- 20THE SIGNALCHASER Succès SecretRecruit Luis to your crew.
- 20THE SPINDLEJACK Succès SecretRecruit Kadet to your crew.
- 20THE BIG BROTHER Succès SecretRecruit Femi to your crew.
- 20THE LITTLE SISTER Succès SecretRecruit Nia to your crew.
- 20THE FUGITIVE Succès SecretRecruit Flint to your crew.
- 30PAY YOUR WAY Succès SecretBuy the feed lines from Karsten in Hexport.
- 30THE BETTER CREW Succès SecretBeat Vesna to the hidden wreck.
- 30MEANS OF PRODUCTION Succès SecretInspire a peaceful mutiny on the Headstream.
- 30EVIL EX Succès SecretBring Bliss on your Darkside Recon.
- 30SLEEPER PRIME Succès SecretExtract the Prime Shipmind without alerting Conway.
- 30STRANGER DANGER Succès SecretRefuse to hand over the drive from Hexport.
- 30FRIEND OF A FRIEND Succès SecretRefuse to leave Marko on Darkside.
- 10WHATEVER HAPPENS HAPPENSGet a positive outcome with a glitched dice.
- 30COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME Succès SecretExtract the ice core without spoiling the haul.
- 20MUSHROOM SAMBA Succès SecretDecide not to clear the Cargo Bay out.
- 30DUSTHOUSE BLUES Succès SecretRetrieve all three stepsilk husks from the wreck.
- 20PROUD RIG OWNERUnlock all the possible Rig paint jobs.
- 20INTERSPECIES SOLIDARITYMake a home for a stowaway.
- 20BRAIN SCRATCH Succès SecretMeet the drone mind.
- 30PILGRIM BLOOMDiscover the origin of Olivera.
- 60THE GOOD THE BAD AND YU-JIN Succès SecretFind the fraction drive without losing Yu-Jin.
- 60HEXPORT EXPORT Succès SecretEscape Hexport before Laine finds you.
- 60CORE CONSERVATOR Succès SecretExtract the core from the Solheim Derelict cleanly.
- 60CITY OF DARKNESS Succès SecretMake it through Darkside Recon without getting caught.
- 60MEMORIES OF MAYWICK Succès SecretSet a three stage trap for the Hunter.
- 40NOBODY'S PUPPET Succès SecretBreak free of Laine's grip, forever.
- 40POSSIBLE FUTURES Succès SecretFinish rebooting your frame.
- 90A SYSTEM IN CRISISComplete the game on DANGEROUS difficulty.
Liste des Succès