- 30There Will Be No Stone Left UnturnedDestroy 10 White Rooks without dying.
- 30I Want To Know What Love IsJump 15 times
- 30Extra moveGet a attack recharge upgraded
- 50I'm Feeling GoodGet a health upgrade
- 50Losing My ReligionDestroy a White Bishop
- 40Now That's A Headless HorsemanDestroy a White Knight
- 30Not Much Of A ChallengeDestroy a White Pawn
- 50Piece SemataryDie (and come back)
- 90You've Got a Friend In MeFind a Black Piece
- 50Cold and dry, like a StoneDestroy a White Rook
- 100My Precious!!!Recover the lost damage bonus
- 40White Pawn VanquishedDefeat the White Pawn Boss
- 50Risky moveGet the dash
- 90Make it easierOpen the shortcuts
- 90Free moveDestroy 10 unmoving pieces
- 90Keep Mooving Your PiecePick a heal within the unmooving pieces
- 90Heresykill the bishop BOSS
- 200Piece DestroyerDestroy 70 unmoving pieces
- 200First ShotShoot one time
- 200Relentless HunterDestroy 80 unmoving pieces
- 200Fivefold ShooterShoot 35 times
- 200Pawn PunisherDestroy 25 white pawns
Afil Games
Check and Slash (Windows)
22 / 2 000
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