- 15Son of the SunUnlock Apollo
- 15Wisest choiceUnlock Athena
- 20Faster god aliveUnlock Hermes
- 30King of the SeasUnlock Poseidon
- 50King of OlimpusUnlock Zeus
- 30SurvivorSurvive 3 minutes
- 30Enemy of the endSurvive 5 minutes
- 30Dual WieldUnlock Double Pisctol
- 90The Machine GunUnlock Machine Gun
- 50The SubmachineUnlock Submachine
- 100Want a boat ride?Kill the Charon
- 30Reapers fallKill Thanatos
- 50The EndKill Hades
- 50God's Machine GunBeat the game with Machine Gun
- 90God's Submachine Beat the game with Submachine Gun
- 50Hell's enemyBeat the game
- 90The Empty Forge Buy all the artifacts
- 50Gimme goldReach 1000 coins
- 40Golden pocketReach 2000 coins
- 40DemonSlayerKill 100 enemies
- 50Hell's enemyKill 200 enemies
- 200Who said tha gods don't need money?Reach 5000 coins
- 200The middle of the journeySurvive 7 minutes
- 200A demon, a cockroachKill 300 enemies
- 200God of WarBeat the game with Ares
- 200Gold WaterfallReach 7500 coins
Afil Games
Godsvivors (Windows)
26 / 2 000
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