- 20A journey beginsMeet him
- 30First StepsEscape from the basement
- 90MorvinDefeat Morvin in the ruins
- 30Hot SunAvoid the hot sun in Australia
- 30TempleFind a way to exit the temple
- 30Burning WoodsFind a way to enter the hospital
- 30Emergency ExitLeave the hospital behind you
- 30Rainy dayUse the rain to escape the sewers
- 90The PackDefeat Morvin in the burning forest
- 30Crazy WeatherUse your skills to reach the cave
- 30The CubFinish your encounter with a little fella.
- 90Final BattleDefat Morvin in the redwood
- 30The last hitProvoke something world changing.
- 30Reach your destinationGet to where you belong
- 90Good ReflexesDefeat Morvin in the ruins without taking damage
- 70FriendsExit the hospital without hurting innocent beings
- 90Hungry WolfFeed a wolf
- 90HopePlay a happy game with someone innocent.
- 70Redwood PeaceDefeat Morvin in the Redwood without hurting the wolves
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