- 10Minimum EffortYou did the bare minimum!
- 100Coolest Bird in TownBeat the game
- 50CompletionistBeat all the levels
- 50Race BirdWin all races
- 50I am SpeedWin 1st place in all races
- 50Skins CollectorFind all skins
- 50Hat CollectorFind all hats
- 20Quaint TownReach the Quaint Town
- 20Pyramids!Reach the Pyramids
- 20CampReach the Camp
- 20RivieraReach the Riviera
- 20EdgarReach Edgar's Mansion
- 20FantasyReach the Fantasy
- 20MoonReach the Moon
- 20Big AppleReach the Big Apple
- 20Craft WorldReach the Craft World
- 20Wing WakerReach the open seas
- 20Almost There!Reach the Finale
- 50Master PooperPoop 10,000 times
- 20SpammerSpawn 100 items in Sandbox Mode
- 20DevHater Succès SecretPoop on the developers
- 10Wake up the Elf Boi Succès SecretWorld ain't gonna save itself.
- 10Find the Princess Succès SecretWe're all mad here...
- 20Breadspiracy Succès SecretTalk to the bread at 3 different occasions
- 20Blown away Succès SecretBlow away all briefcase guys
- 30Goat Herder Succès SecretGet goats to punt 20 hoomans
- 30Ain't afraid of no ghosts Succès SecretDestroy all nightmare creatures on Camp
- 20Anti-Potter Succès SecretBreak all pots in Edgar's mansion
- 20Painter Succès SecretPaint 1,000 blobs in the Riviera
- 30PeacemakerRestore peace in the Fantasy realm
- 30Dog PersonAchieve Dog victory in the Fantasy realm
- 30Cat PersonAchieve Cat victory in the Fantasy realm
- 20Somewhat of a scientist Succès SecretFind all the hidden minerals on Moon
- 20Rain on Your Parade Succès SecretRain on 20 hoomans on Craft World
- 20Home Run Succès SecretPunt 100 hoomans
- 20Coins!Help someone who lost their coins
Unbound Creations
Just Crow Things
36 / 1 000
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