- 15First BloodKill one enemy
- 15ExterminatorKill 100 Floaters
- 15CrafterCraft a Weapon
- 15ShipbreakerReach the Spaceship Graveyard
- 15MinerReach the Mining Grounds
- 15SpeleologistReach the Underground Lake
- 30BotanistReach the West Floating Forest
- 30ForesterReach the East Floating Forest
- 15Sky KnightReach the Sky Tower
- 15GiantDestroy the Giant Floater
- 15QueenDestroy the Crawler Queen
- 15SmelterDestroy the Furnace Bot
- 30Sub RobDestroy the Sub Rob
- 30AncientDestroy the Ancient Floaters
- 30SurvivorReach Sector 02 without dying once
- 30Ultra SurvivorReach Sector 04 without dying once
- 30ParagliderFly more than 60 meters horizontally with the parachute
- 30Flawless VictoryDestroy the Giant Floater without taking any damage
- 30FinisherFinish game
- 30Retro FinisherFinish game in Retro mode
- 90CompletionReach 100% completion
- 90Retro CompletionReach 100% completion in Retro mode
- 90SpeedrunFinish game in less than 10 hours
- 90UltrarunFinish game in less than 6 hours
- 90Retro SpeedrunFinish game in less than 10 hours in Retro mode
- 100Retro UltrarunFinish game in less than 6 hours in Retro mode
Madruga Works
The Mobius Machine
26 / 1 000
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