- 1GlampingFinish The Scouts
- 15Exemplary PerformanceCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Scouts
- 1Yo Ho Ho!Finish the Pirates
- 15Shadow KingCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Pirates
- 1Some ShortcutFinish the Catacombs
- 15Crypt CleptoCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Catacombs
- 1My Better HalfFinish the Weret
- 15Gutter GhostCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Weret
- 1The BeaconingFinish the Lighthouse
- 15OlympianCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Lighthouse
- 1Battle MouseFinish The Battle of Lilygrove
- 15Lilygrove LooterCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Battle of Lilygrove
- 1A Rolling StoneFinish Old Moss Creek
- 15Moss BossCollect everything and complete all objectives in Old Moss Creek
- 1Aye Aye CaptainFinish The Captain
- 15Captain ObviousCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Captain
- 1A Silver LiningFinish Camp Silversands
- 15Silver SpoonCollect everything and complete all objectives in Silversands
- 1Biggest Pantry EverFinish The Pantry
- 15Pantry PirateCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Pantry
- 1Down the Rabbit HoleFinish Pontederia
- 15Ace In the HoleCollect everything and complete all objectives in Pontederia
- 1Grapes of WraithFinish Winsome Wraith
- 15Pirates PlunderCollect everything and complete all objectives in Winsome Wraith
- 1Drain the SwampFinish Portman's Slough
- 15Mud RunnerCollect everything and complete all objectives in Portman's Slough
- 1In a GrooveFinish Grating Gulley
- 15Aqueduct AccumulatorCollect everything and complete all objectives in Grating Gulley
- 1Shed Light OnFinish Fool of a Stoat
- 15Camp BanditCollect everything and complete all objectives in Fool of a Stoat
- 1Into the Lion's DenFinish The Otters' Den
- 15Tunnel RaiderCollect everything and complete all objectives in The Otters' Den
- 1Didn't Cave InFinish Cavern Hole
- 15Hoarder or HistorianCollect everything and complete all objectives in Cavern Hole
- 5Scouting AheadTravel over X km on foot
- 5That's My JamCollect 25% of all jam
- 10JamboreeCollect 50% of all jam
- 25Pie Pile UpCollect 100% of all jam
- 25Scent-sationalLog all the scents in your scout's journal
- 25Friend to AllUnlock all the character profiles in your scout's journal
- 25Antique ArchivistPresent the complete memoir to Pickerel in Cavern Hole
- 50Master ScoutGet every other acheivement available
- 15WITTAGALLObtain the Starthistle Family Amulet
- 15Crown JewelObtain the Crystal Necklace
- 15Treasured TrinketObtain the Gleaming Wayglass Lens
- 25I Meant To Do ThatHit a rat in the head with your slingshot
- 1Seeing RedGet seen by a rat
- 5Toad StoryConvince Tussa to tell you about her toad story
- 1Smell My FingerLearn your first scent
- 15Honors StudentPass the Scout initiation without making a mistake
- 5No Soup For YouCreate a disgusting soup in the Scouts
- 5Dip The Paw Succès SecretTake a dip in the hot springs
- 5Slingshot ShenanigansShoot all the fake rats in The Scouts with your slingshot
- 15Made in The ShadeFinish The Pirates without being detected
- 5Pay Your Respects Succès SecretVisit Jacques Tomb in the Pirates
- 5Guiding Light Succès SecretUse the wayglass to locate the Lighthouse
- 15Don't Fry the FriarPrevent the rats from setting Thomas's house on fire in The Pirates
- 5Is it Stuffy in Here?Open all of the shutters in The Catacombs
- 5Light of My LifeLight all the braziers in The Catacombs
- 5Peeping Tom Succès SecretUse the sypglass to indentify the temple's weeping angels
- 5Apple of My Eye Succès SecretReflect on your wedding vows with your spouse
- 1Finders Keepers Succès SecretCollect the rat tooth in The Weret
- 5Foreshadowing Succès SecretUse wayglass to see the owl in The Weret
- 15First PlaceComplete the Lighthouse without dying
- 5The Road Less TraveledUse all of the upper paths in the Lighthouse in one run
- 15Warning ShotSlingshot all destructibles in the Battle of Lilygrove
- 15Don't Rock the Boat Succès SecretEnd the boat ride with all three hearts
- 15Cheap ShotSlingshot all destructibles in Old Moss Creek
- 5It's a Trap Succès SecretGet frosty while attempting to recover the jam behind the mill
- 5Owl Prowl Succès SecretWayglass the owl in Old Moss Creek
- 15Hot ShotSlingshot all destructibles in The Captain
- 5Furball Succès SecretGet eaten by Captain Snow
- 10Fast Talker Succès SecretSurvive talking to Captain Snow without losing any hearts
- 15Long ShotSlingshot all destructibles in Silversands
- 15Make a Mountain Out of a Molehill Succès SecretConvince Glimber to go with you without losing any hearts
- 5Whack-a-Mole Succès SecretSend Glimber to his untimely demise in Camp Silversands
- 15Big ShotSlingshot all destructibles in Pantry
- 5Throwing Shade Succès SecretCall out Ichabod's exaggerations in the Pantry
- 15Chip ShotSlingshot all destructibles in Pontederia
- 15Running MouseComplete Pontederia without dying
- 15Wraith WreckerSlingshot all destructibles in Winsome Wraith
- 15Riddle Me ThisAnswer every stoat riddle correctly
- 5Round About Succès SecretShimmy all the way around the chandelier in Winsome Wraith
- 5SusConfront Bolo about the ominous letter in Winsome Wraith
- 15Bog BreakerSlingshot all destructibles in Portman's Slough
- 25That Sinking FeelingSink every island in Portman's Slough
- 10Stoat Whisperer Succès SecretConvince Mila to go with you without losing any hearts
- 5What Did You Expect? Succès SecretView fog, fog, and more fog at the cairn in Portman's Slough
- 10Gulley GasherSlingshot all destructibles in Grating Gulley
- 10Trace EvidenceFind all traces of Bolo's passage in Grating Gulley
- 5Brotherly LoveConvince Jeb to make up with his brother in Grating Gulley
- 5Oh BrotherConvince Jeb to stay mad at his brother in Grating Gulley
- 10Betrayal BasherSlingshot all destructibles in Fool of a Stoat
- 5Just Hangin OutListen to the entire Sea Rat's shanty in Fool of a Stoat
- 15Cheesy VentriloquistComplete Cheesthief's dialog game with a perfect score in Fool of a Stoat
- 10Den DestroyerSlingshot all destructibles in The Otters' Den
- 10Pulled a DanielComplete The Otters' Den without dying
- 5Bone Head Succès SecretFind Gloomer's skeleton in The Otters' Den
- 10Cavern CrusherSlingshot all destructibles in Cavern Hole
- 5Gregarious GregorianTalk to every critter in Cavern Hole in one sitting
Liste des Succès