- 40Might as well jumpKill Jumper
- 40Black Hawk downKill Flyer
- 40Rag for the bullKill Runner
- 90Father figureComplete main plot
- 40Harder, better, faster, strongerUnlock all available abilities
- 20Shoot that lever now or neverComplete first LAB room
- 90Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?Complete last LAB room
- 20Wind of ChangesComplete wind sequence
- 20Blowin’ in the windGet real high real fast
- 40Hail to the kingComplete all Jumper challenge
- 40Helicopter, HelicopterComplete all Flyer challenge
- 90F-F-F-FREESTYLOComplete one Flyer challenge using complex fly mode mode
- 20Kiwi Enable simple flying mode in Flyer challenges
- 20GraduateComplete all warehouse tutorials
- 20FlashAvoid getting killed by bomb in supersonic style
- 90Fig.1Complete all possible levels in the game
- 40PredatorKill every type of enemy in the game
- 20Blind runWhere’s my flashlight?
- 40AimbotHit falling bomb first try in Lab 10
- 20Taste of it own medicineDeflect the bullet
- 20PilotComplete Flyer level without dying
- 20SpeedrunnerFinish plot in less than 25 min
- 40Short gameFinish plot in less than 15 min
- 40Enemy TerritoryLaunch Warehouse
- 40IndestructibleFinish all rider Levels
Take IT Studio! sp. z o. o.
25 / 1 000
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