- 15Buy Espresso MachineBuy your first espresso machine.
- 15Buy Filter Coffee MachineBuy your first filter coffee machine.
- 15Buy Milk FrotherBuy your first milk frother.
- 15Buy Milk SteamerBuy a milk steamer.
- 15Buy Supply FridgeBuy your first supply fridge.
- 15Buy Whip CreamerBuy a whip creamer.
- 15Buy Ice MakerBuy your first ice maker.
- 15Buy KettleBuy your first kettle.
- 15Buy A JugBuy a milk jug.
- 15Buy ShakerBuy a Shaker.
- 15Buy BlenderBuy a Blender.
- 15Tenth ShotPrepare 10 espresso shots.
- 15Hundred Shots!Prepare 100 espresso shots.
- 20Thounsand ShotsPrepare 1000 espresso shots.
- 25Head ShotPrepare 9999 espresso shots.
- 15Time Is Money!Earn 10.000$
- 20EntrepreneurEarn 100.000$
- 25CEOEarn 1.000.000$
- 15First DayFirst Day Of You Cafe.
- 20First WeekFirst Week Of Your Cafe.
- 25First MonthFirst Month Of Your Cafe.
- 15FoamerFroth milk for 10 times.
- 20Foam PartyFroth milk for 100 times.
- 25Foam EverywhereFroth milk for 999 times.
- 15In Coffee DustGrind Coffee 10 Times.
- 20Grind MasterGrind Coffee 50 Times.
- 25Bite The DustGrind Coffee 250 Times.
- 30Grind GrindGrind Coffee 1000 Times.
- 15Pour OverPrepare 10 Filter Coffee Drinks.
- 20Best For White CollarsPrepare 50 Filter Coffee Drinks.
- 15Cargo NoobOrder Your First Cargo.
- 20Cargo MasterOrder 50 Cargos.
- 25Cargo Grand MasterOrder 250 Cargos.
- 15It's Hot!Prepare 50 Hot Drinks.
- 15It's Cold!Prepare 50 Cold Drinks.
- 15SalespersonSell 10 items.
- 20Sale MasterSell 100 items.
- 15Customer SatisfactionBeat a customer.
- 20Battle MasterBeat 100 customers.
- 15BroomingClean the floor for 10 times.
- 20Broom Harder!Clean the floor for 500 times.
- 15VisionaryUpgrade Your Cafe.
- 20BuilderUpgrade Your Cafe 5 Times.
- 20Master BuilderUnlock The Second Floor.
- 25Grand Master BuilderUnlock The Roof.
- 30HoarderUnlock All Warehouse Upgrades.
- 15Happy CustomersDeliver 10 Orders.
- 20Happier CustomersDeliver 50 Orders.
- 30Happiest CustomersDeliver 250 Orders.
- 15Complete TutorialComplete the tutorial.
- 35Barista!Unlock All Coffee Recipes.
- 35Time For A Coffee ChainUnlock All Upgrades.
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Barista Simulator
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