- 100Now Walk it OutClear the gym!
- 10All Hail the QueenBeat the boss of SoNo
- 10Funky DrummerBeat the boss of Lower East Fulton
- 10We're in EffectBeat a larger than life couple
- 10Heart Full of BlackBeat a biker boss
- 10We gon' be alrightBeat the interim chief
- 10Peanut Butter Jelly TimeBeat someone carrying a baseball bat
- 10We Gotta PowerYou know what I'm saiyan?
- 10Stroke of Death Succès SecretDefeat a ninja boss
- 100Hard in Da Paint Succès SecretBeat the final boss
- 10The Cold VeinBeat the 3-2 boss
- 10TrickerationWin a game of... trivia?
- 10No MercyBeat Brad's Revenge Rival
- 50FINISH 'EMPerform 50 finishers
- 50Rivers of BloodDefeat 10 enemies with BLOOD Status effects
- 50Bring Da RuckusHit an enemy with a 6+ hit combo
- 100Severe PunishmentHit an enemy with an 12+ hit combo
- 10Knuck if You BuckPerform a Counter 10 Times
- 10Urban Assault VehicleKeep on rollin' baby
- 10Turtle PowerSuccessfully perform 10 Blocks
- 10Breakin' 2Beat the 3-2 boss
- 10Bring the PainBeat the 3-3 boss
- 10Ice WaterDefeat Lisa's Rival
- 10The Last DragonDefeat Bruce's Rival
- 10Protect Ya NeckTurn Around 10 times
- 10I'm the JUGGERNAUTBreak 25 objects
- 40Stop, Drop, Shut 'em DownDefeat 10 enemies on the ground
- 10REVENGA!Perform 10 REVENGE attacks
- 10Mighty HealthyEat 10 healing food items
- 50Suplex a TrainAchieve "Professional Grappler" in a battle
- 30Mind Ya Bidness Succès SecretPerform 10 Hidden Techniques
- 10The FinestParry 10 times
- 100NEW MAGIC WANDDispel enemy Buffs 10 times
- 100Knife PrtyDefeat 5 enemies with a thrown knife
Treachery in Beatdown City: Ultra Remix
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