- 75Crime TimeFind your way around.
- 75My Ears Are RingingPlay the first tape.
- 75Destination UnknownFind Jericho.
- 75Sorren. Nathan Andrew.Finish Tape #1.
- 75DespairPlay the second tape.
- 75GiftsYou made Mr Rabbit happy.
- 75Hill. Alice.Finish Tape #2.
- 75In the Name of GriefFinish the story
- 75Nate, Can You Hear Me?Play every audio tape.
- 75Now You See MeHide from the doctor
- 75SouvenirFind every keychain.
- 75All Around the GlobeUse the globe as each of the protagonists.
- 100Book WormFind all of the documents.
Ultimate Games
Anthology of Fear
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