- 25Training Wheels EarnedComplete the first mission of the campaign.
- 25First KillKill your first enemy in combat.
- 50Bug HunterKill 100 Brood Warriors
- 50Burn the JunglesDefeat the aliens in the jungle campaign.
- 100Secure the PortalKill the last of the portal guardians and seize control of the portal to the alien home world.
- 100Bring a Gun to a Knife FightKill the templar.
- 150Campaign CompletionComplete the single player campaign.
- 150Brawn Over BrainsKill the Dominator Leader.
- 150Desert RaiderFinish the desert campaign on Extreme difficulty
- 200Head HunterKill the alien commander leading the resistance to the orbital assault.
Silesia Games Sp. z o.o.
Strike Team Gladius
10 / 1 000
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