- 70Queue master Succès SecretSterling effort in a popular British sport.
- 70Super cuber Succès SecretGreat job unscrambling the cube.
- 70Goose walloper Succès SecretWell done floggin' that goose on the noggin.
- 70Skullduggerer Succès SecretYou chatted to a skull, good for you.
- 70Slow goer Succès SecretPaying attention to road markings gets you this shiny badge.
- 70Konami coder Succès Secret↑↑↓↓←→←→BA
- 70301 redirector Succès SecretThose jeans sure take you back.
- 90Dream master Succès SecretYou saw it right through to the end, you clever sausage.
- 70EGA retro gamer Succès SecretYou experienced Lucy's world in 16 glorious shades.
- 70Backwards talker Succès SecretTalking to yourself in the mirror...not a good sign.
- 70Lolly cracker Succès SecretYou managed to get the badge inside the lollipop.
- 70Battery recharger Succès SecretRolling batteries extends their life indefinitely. FACT.
- 70April fool Succès SecretYou gave it your best shot to fool Lloyd on April 1st.
- 70No Hotspot Hotshot Succès SecretYou completed the game without using the hotspot finder once!
Tall Story Games Ltd
Lucy Dreaming
14 / 1 000
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