- 50Winged BootsGet the Winged Boots
- 50Climber HeroClimbing the long stair on the first level
- 50Bracelets of ZeusGet the Bracelets of Zeus
- 80TheseusKill the Minotaur
- 100The MagicRepair the Bracelets of Zeus
- 100UndertakerReach the first Tomb
- 100Beholder HunterKill boss Beholder
- 50GothicGet a Skull Key
- 100LabyrinthBeat the Labyrinth in Stage 2
- 100FlyingFlying with the winged boots
- 100TeleportUse the teleport in Stage 3
- 100Blind GuardianKill a Blind Guardian
- 20CheckpointGet to the first bonfire
Ratalaika Games S.L.
Roar of Revenge
13 / 1 000
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