- 10Island 1Complete island 1
- 10Island 5Complete island 5
- 10Island 10Complete island 10
- 10Island 15Complete island 15
- 10Island 20Complete island 20
- 30Island 25Complete island 25
- 30Island 30Complete island 30
- 30Island 35Complete island 35
- 15Island 40Complete island 40
- 30Island 45Complete island 45
- 90Island 50Complete island 50
- 10Retry 10 timesRestart an island 10 times. (Sokocat Islands)
- 10Ooops!Throw a box in the water (Sokocat Islands)
- 10BridgeUse bridge (Sokocat Islands)
- 10PlatformUse platform (Sokocat Islands)
- 10Into to the castleFinish the dungeon 1!
- 10Enter the dungeonStart dungeon 9.
- 15Deep dungeonStart dungeon 21.
- 90The floor is lava!Start dungeon 36.
- 90Exit the dungeonFinish all dungeons
- 10The BoomerangUnlock the boomerang
- 30First treasureGet treasure of dungeon 15 and finish the level.
- 30Silver cupGet treasure of dungeon 25 and finish the level.
- 30EmeraldGet treasure of dungeon 30 and finish the level
- 90Gold cupGet treasure of dungeon 35 and finish the level
- 90DiamondGet treasure of dungeon 40 and finish the level!
- 90The Golden CrownGet treasure of dungeon 50 and finish the level!
- 100Full Collection!Get all treasures and finish all levels!
QUByte Interactive
Sokocat – Combo
28 / 1 000
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