- 50God of the WastelandGather the mass of the god Motor.
- 50Goddess of the SwampsGather the mass of the god Tiamat.
- 20DIY DoctorUse the biomat to create any organ.
- 20HandymanUse Omnimat to create any consumable.
- 20The First FusionUse the transfuser to merge any two nodes.
- 20Core BaronCreate any one core with Mutilla.
- 20RecyclerUse the deconstructor to disassemble the objects into their constituent parts.
- 20CollectorCreate one any architech item at Num's.
- 100Core EnthusiastIncrease the level of any core to 30.
- 100Iron ManGet through the game without dying once.
- 30ImmortalBreak 100 or more organs.
- 30Master of ThrowingThrow 250 knives.
- 30GrenadierDrop 150 bombs.
- 30HealerUse 100 healing consumables.
- 30ShamanUse 100 buff consumables.
- 30FarmerGrow 100 fanguds.
- 30ConsumerBreak 50 or more items of equipment.
- 30DestroyerDestroy 50 camps on the global map.
- 90The High Road FighterFight 100 battles on the global map.
- 50WarriorKill 500 opponents.
- 50Savior of the WastelandGet karma of 25 or higher in the Q dimension.
- 50Destroyer of the WastelandGet karma of -25 or lower in the Q dimension.
- 50Savior of the MarshGet karma of 25 or higher in the Luten dimension.
- 50Marsh DestroyerGet karma -25 or lower in the Luten dimension.
24 / 1 000
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