- 5Getting SchooledLevel up a Hero to level 10.
- 5Ad Astra!Play for 300 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
- 5Labs and FabsHave 1 system which produces more than 1 000 Science.
- 5Friends With BenefitsHave three mutually beneficial agreements active at the same time between you and another empire.
- 5Massively Massive Mass ProductionHave 1 system which produces more than 1 000 Industry.
- 5Corridors of PowerHave one system which produces more than 500 Influence.
- 5HarvesterHave 1 system which produces more than 1 000 Food.
- 5Cash CowHave 1 system which produces more than 1 000 Dust.
- 5Baby StepsWin a game in Sandbox or higher difficulty against AI.
- 10Absolute PowerComplete the United Empire faction lore quest.
- 10The Cake Was DeliciousComplete the Sophons faction lore quest.
- 10Branching OutComplete the Unfallen faction lore quest.
- 5Back to SchoolDiscover the Academy with a Hero-led fleet.
- 10What If There Is No Tomorrow?Complete the Riftborn faction lore quest.
- 10Don’t Ever Take Sides Against the FamilyComplete the Lumeris faction lore quest.
- 10Virtually EndlessComplete the Cravers faction lore quest.
- 10The Other Clone WarsComplete the Horatio faction lore quest.
- 10Am I My Brother's Keeper?Complete the Vodyani faction lore quest.
- 10We Hit Pay Dust!Have 3 Trade Companies that are level 7 or higher.
- 10Graduation DayLevel up a Hero to level 20.
- 10Sophon'd Of ScienceAs the Sophons, research 10 technologies with a 50% Omniscience bonus in a single game.
- 10Strategically LoadedHave 100 of each strategic resource.
- 10Training WheelsWin a game in Easy or higher difficulty against AI.
- 10Just Warming UpWin a game in Normal or higher difficulty against AI.
- 10A Small Loan of a Million DustGain 1 000 000 Dust, across any number of playthroughs.
- 10Vive la Révolution !Have four laws active at the same time in a game where you've changed your government type and leadi
- 10Brains Over BrawnUnlock the whole Science and Exploration technology quadrant in a single game.
- 10Cornering the MarketUnlock the whole Economy and Trade technology quadrant in a single game.
- 10The Art of WarUnlock the whole Military technology quadrant in a single game.
- 10Stellar UtopiaUnlock the whole Empire Development technology quadrant in a single game.
- 10The Final FrontierBe the first to explore 100% of the Galaxy.
- 10Maybe It Does Buy HappinessWin an Economic Victory.
- 10The Unstoppable ForceWin a Conquest Victory.
- 10Dice with the UniverseWin a Science Victory.
- 10Bow Before Me!Win a Supremacy Victory.
- 10Home Is Where the Heart IsColonize one of each type of planet in one game.
- 10By Our Grace You Were ElevatedAs the Vodyani, leech at least 500 Essence in one turn.
- 10Numbers. They Don't Lie.Win a Score Victory.
- 10Feel the GloryWin a Wonder Victory.
- 10I Smell Burning RedsangWin a game without ever capturing a system after a successful ground battle.
- 10The Root of the ProblemIn one game, invade 5 systems benefiting from being entwined and un-entwine them.
- 10I Am the Eternal EndWin by eliminating all the other empires.
- 10Et Tu, Brute?Use Privateers to secretly attack a fleet or a system belonging to a member of your Alliance.
- 15Heroic PatiencePlay for 1,000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
- 15Scrooge McDustGain 2 000 000 Dust, across any number of playthroughs.
- 15Whatever the Cost, Whatever the EffortWin with the United Empire.
- 15Sins of the FathersWin the Academy Quest on the Defender side.
- 15Ctrl + Alt + DeleteWin the Academy Quest on the Rejuvenator side.
- 15Aurigan TrailControl a trade route leading from your starting star system to the system containing Auriga.
- 15They Have Always Been FirstWin with the Sophons.
- 15Strove, Sought, Found, Did Not YieldWin a game in Hard or higher difficulty against AI.
- 15It Will Not End with FireWin with the Unfallen.
- 15All for One…As Horatio, splice the genes of at least 6 populations in a single game.
- 15Order and BalanceWin with the Riftborn.
- 15I Did It My Way!Win with a Custom Faction.
- 15I Know the FamiliesWin with the Lumeris.
- 20Yin and YangAs the Sophons, assimilate the Mavros minor civilization by assisting them through a Quest.
- 15They Saw Madness - I Found GeniusWin with Horatio.
- 15We Will See The Heretic Drown in His BlaspheWin with the Vodyani.
- 15Still HungryWin with the Cravers.
- 15Through the Looking GlassAs the Riftborn, form an Alliance with 3 non-Riftborn empires.
- 15Galaxy2GetherAs the Unfallen, assimilate the Eyder minor civilization into your empire.
- 20Tree HuggersAs the Unfallen, extend Vines to 5 systems of an empire with whom you have signed a Peace agreement.
- 15I'll Bite Your Legs Off!Win a game never winning a battle.
- 15Buying ElectionsAs the Lumeris, use Dust to help the Pacifist party three times during elections in a single game.
- 20Endleus Vult!As the Vodyani, destroy another Vodyani's Ark and recover the wreck for yourself.
- 15The Empire's Death StarAs the United Empire, destroy a Terran planet by firing a Carrier's Core Cracker.
- 20By Your CommandAs the United Empire use your influence to research Liquid Composites and buy a Carrier ship in the
- 20The Eighth PlagueAs the Cravers, fully deplete all the planets of 3 systems you captured from your opponents.
- 2088 MPH!!!As the Riftborn, use a Fold Singularity to keep a fleet moving after warping through a Wormhole.
- 20There Can Be Only MeAs Horatio, invade the home system of another Horatio player.
- 20Dust. Powerful Stuff.As the Lumeris, sell 3 of your outposts in a single game.
- 20King MidustGain 4 000 000 Dust, across any number of playthroughs.
- 20Barely Broke a SweatWin a game in Serious or higher difficulty against AI.
- 25Piece of (True) CakeWin a game in Impossible or higher difficulty against AI.
- 30The Learner Is Now the MasterWin a game in Endless difficulty against AI.
- 50Endless GamerPlay for 10,000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
Amplitude Studios
Endless Space 2: Deluxe Edition
77 / 1 000
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