- 15S Rank: Mission 1Achieve Rank S on Mission 1
- 30S Rank: Mission 2Achieve S Rank on Mission 2
- 45S Rank: Mission 3Achieve S Rank on Mission 3
- 60S Rank: Mission 4Achieve S Rank on Mission 4
- 75S Rank: Mission 5Achieve S Rank on Mission 5
- 100S Rank: Mission 6Achieve Rank S on Mission 6
- 75Ending A: NormalBeat the game with Ending A
- 50Ending B: NormalBeat the game with any ending
- 100Ending A: S RankAchieve an S Rank on all missions
- 15Combo 128xAttain a combo multiplier of 128x
- 30Combo 256xAttain a combo multiplier of 256
- 60Combo 512xAttain a combo multiplier of 512
- 15You must be in a hurry Succès SecretHit Ashley with the barrier breaker before the fight starts
- 30Harder than it looksEarn a D Rank on any mission
- 10It's the only way to be sureExecute a HYPER barrier breaker
- 10That was only my afterimageUse ace piloting skills to trick an enemy into destroying another enemy
- 160S Rank: TrophaeumAchieve an S Rank on the Trophaeum
- 80A Rank: TrophaeumAchieve an A Rank on the Trophaeum
- 40B Rank: TrophaeumAchieve a B Rank on the Trophaeum
LLC / Newt Industries
Risk System
19 / 1 000
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