- 20Duck DesignerCreate your own duck adventurer
- 50All RounderGain a level in every skill
- 30Top HatOwn 5 different hats
- 30Fashion IconOwn 5 different armours
- 30Well PreparedOwn 5 different weapons
- 20Weapon SpecialistGet 100% mastery on a weapon
- 100Marco MedalComplete every quest
- 20Getting StartedComplete the tutorial
- 25I am speedWin a race
- 25Tough NutWin a battle
- 50That's cheating!Use 10 consumables in a race or battle
- 70Demi GodReach level 50 in all trainings
- 150UnstoppableReach level 100 in all skills
- 50First PlaceWin egg isle tournament
- 20SpelunkerFind a ground item
- 30Lucky DuckyWin a prize in the jelly coin machine
- 150The ChampWin the final tournament
- 50Double troubleBeat a boss duck (battle and race)
- 30Abstract ArtistUse the dye shop to apply a new dye to a hat or costume
- 50Fly!Unlock the quick fly ability by beating the duck in Feather Forest
MoFunZone Inc.
Duck Life Adventure
20 / 1 000
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