- 25The Death QueenDefeat the Death Queen in the House of Fate
- 25The Plague DoctorDefeat the Plague Doctor in the House of Pestilence
- 25The Puppet MasterDefeat the Puppet Master in the House of War
- 25The Winter CroneDefeat the Winter Crone in the House of Famine
- 25The OuroborosDefeat the Ouroboros
- 25Pedantic DiscipleDisturb the peripatetic long enough
- 50The ExitExit the Labyrinth
- 25The House of SpringComplete the House of Spring defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of SummerComplete the House of Summer defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of AutumnComplete the House of Autumn defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of WinterComplete the House of Winter defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of FireComplete the House of Fire defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of EarthComplete the House of Earth defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of WaterComplete the House of Water defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of AirComplete the House of Air defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of WarComplete the House of War defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of FateComplete the House of Fate defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of FamineComplete the House of Famine defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 25The House of PestilenceComplete the House of Pestilence defeating every enemy and taking every Key
- 100The Path of HarmonyFinish the game without catching any Shadow
- 100The Path of ChaosCatch all the Shadows in the Labyrinth
- 100The Path of LifeCatch all the Skeletons in the Labyrinth
- 50The MinotaursKill all the Minotaurs in the Labyrinth
- 50Free and FragileObtain a full Rope defeating enemies
- 25The DancersDance properly
- 25Blood Red RopeCatch 5 Shadows at the same time
- 25MausKill 30 rats
- 25You Come with UsDefeat an enemy after dying
Strelka Games
Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind +
28 / 1 000
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