- 50Welcome to PineviewArrive at Pineview
- 50A keen eyeInvestigate the crime scene
- 50The witnessQuestion Mr. Willis
- 50Big red wrenchRecover Jack's wrench
- 50No stone unturnedTalk to everyone on the 1st day
- 50NightmareSurvive the sleep paralysis experience
- 100ThoroughExamine every object in Chris and Diane's room
- 100FireworksMeet Diane for the first time
- 100A damn fine cup of coffeeGet coffee at Mark's cafe
- 100Not just trench coatsChange clothes at the motel
- 100Trade-offRecover the photo from the puppy
- 100MacGyverFix the boat
- 100Bittersweet kissKiss Diane for the first time
2Awesome Partners
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